Lundbeck and Otsuka Collaborate to Raise Awareness of Alzheimer’s Agitation Treatment

How Lundbeck and Otsuka Are Tackling Alzheimer’s Agitation

Lundbeck and Otsuka have intensified their efforts to address a niche area in Alzheimer’s disease treatment. Following their FDA approval for Rexulti in managing dementia-related agitation, the pharmaceutical partners have launched an emotional advertisement aimed at informing the children of Alzheimer’s patients about a new treatment option now available.

The ad, shot in black and white, begins with a poignant focus on the hands of an elderly woman. Accompanied by gentle piano music, a female narrator reminisces about how these hands once provided comfort and support during the person’s childhood. However, the tone changes as the narrator explains that the hands have now become aggressive. Then, the tone changes. The narrator says the hands have “become aggressive.” As she says that, the person on camera forms their hands into fists and slams one of them down on the table and a discordant sound rings out. The words “hitting,” “pushing” and “throwing things” appear in yellow text on one side of the screen.

The ad continues with a close-up of the person’s mouth, while the narrator shares fond memories of singing lullabies. However, the mood shifts again as the narrator describes how the person’s mouth has become “unrecognizable” and the individual starts shouting angrily. The unsettling portrayal of the patient’s agitation is emphasized through discordant sounds and on-screen text depicting aggressive behavior.

The narration transitions to a man who explains that agitation in Alzheimer’s dementia can cause behavior beyond the patient’s control. This understanding is meant to convey to viewers that these changes are not the loved one’s fault. The ad then shows the patient appearing calmer but still sad, while a younger woman offers comfort and support. The heartwarming scene culminates in the two women embracing tenderly, signifying the importance of understanding and compassion in caregiving.

Accompanying the ad is a website,, which provides further information about the symptoms of agitation in Alzheimer’s and offers a questionnaire for caregivers to complete and share with doctors. The goal is to help caregivers recognize and address agitation, which is a treatable condition separate from Alzheimer’s dementia.

For Lundbeck, promoting Rexulti as a solution for agitation could have a positive impact on sales. The potential growth in Rexulti sales would further bolster Lundbeck, as the drug seeks to surpass last year’s revenue of 2.85 billion Danish kroner ($423 million).

By raising awareness of the treatment options available for Alzheimer’s agitation, Lundbeck and Otsuka are not only advocating for better patient care but also aiming to enhance the overall understanding and management of this challenging aspect of the disease.

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